Two Great Companies Delivering Customer Satisfaction & Quality Since 1980
In 1980, Willie Guin started Guin’s Machine Shop with only a vision of owning his own business. When he gave his notice of quitting his stable job at Tri-State Industries, he had not a promise of any work for his new venture. Times were hard back then. He only made $5 in a 2 week span trying to support a wife and 2 kids. So he began Guin’s Machine Shop on a hope and a prayer. In those days, it was all manual work mingled in with blood sweat and tears. I remember the lights being on as my sister and I went to school in the morning. My dad worked many nights to pay for his equipment and small humble 20’ x 30’ building.
He paid the high price as he has had both knees replaced. My Dad retired in March of 2007 but we continue his legacy here at Guin Machine, Inc. based on the same principles he started the company with, Customer satisfaction and Quality are our main goals. We do just about any job brought to us. We even may be caught working on a lawn mower or tractor for one of our neighbors, yes, that's right, we still take time to help a local fix his tractor, lawn mower, etc. That’s because we have made a policy with God and ourselves to never forget where we came from.
In 1998, Advanced Molding Technology was founded under the same principles as Guin Machine. AMT makes products for the wood molding industry.
In 2002, we moved into a brand new 6500 sq ft facility and now have 8 full time employees. Things have changed from the old days. We have full CNC capabilities and can accommodate just about any reasonable size job you can throw at us. We have over a total of 25 years CNC experience under our belt!
We invite you to learn more about us...