Advance Moulding Technology’s custom nylon pressure shoes can eliminate chatter caused by incorrect or uneven pressure. As a bonus, the special nylon material provides a smooth, non-marking surface that eliminates shiny spots. Another benefit is you can get the shoe closer than ever before because the nylon material will not damage the knives.
Our shoes have proven that they can withstand the test of time. We’ve been making them for almost 20 years. It is our goal to satisfy every customer, and to guarantee that the shoe does what it is supposed to do. Our service is impeccable and untouchable in the wood industry!
To order a custom shoe from us, we must either have a cad drawing sent via email or an actual sample. (About 5″ long). We will call to discuss your specific needs and will be glad to serve you any way we can. Once we have all your information, we can usually turn your order around in one day!!